Dr. Kae Hashimoto Reed has been the Principal Timpanist of the Fort Smith Symphony since 2018.
Dr. Reed is a native of Japan currently active in the United States. Dr. Reed has performed with the Fort Smith Symphony, the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, the Pine Bluff Symphony Orchestra, the New York City Summer Mahler Project, the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra, the St. Petersburg State Orchestra, and the Bangkok Symphony Orchestra.
Dr. Reed has performed numerous concerts and recitals in various places in the US, Japan, Thailand, China, Vietnam, and Singapore. She performed World Premier of the Wind Ensemble version of Planet Damnation by John Psathas with the Fillmore Wind Band. Dr. Reed received Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Percussion Performance at the University of Memphis under Dr. Bill Shaltis and Dr. Frank Shaffer. She received a Master of Music Degree in Percussion Performance from New York University under Mr. Jonathan Haas and a Bachelor of Arts in Percussion Performance from Osaka Kyoiku University in Japan under Mr.Yasuo Kotani.
Kae Hashimoto Reed is serving as President of the Arkansas Chapter of the Percussive Arts Society (PAS). She is the drumline instructor and Music Instructor at Arkansas Tech University.
OrchestraFort Smith SymphonyTitlePrincipal Timpanist